Monday, January 27, 2020

Investigating The Importance Of WAN Technologies Information Technology Essay

Investigating The Importance Of WAN Technologies Information Technology Essay Wide area network is very important to the global to do their work easily now days every companies trying to develop their business all over the world wide area network helps them to connect their network together .the companies need to design the network according to their needs and purpose because different type of networks are available for different purpose. According to this project the company network placed in different countries each network hold different application Different type of architecture models is available to design network one is peer to peer model and another one is client/server model most of the network designed by using client/server model. peer to peer model is connect two or more computers connected through network this model is unsafe because it is difficult to implement security policies .different network topologies are available to design network so we have to consider these topologies when design a network. Normally every companies using star topology to design their network because this topology have more advantage when compare with other topologies various hardware components need to design a network such as switches, routers, firewalls, server, linkect By using Ethernet technologies and other network technologies several LAN (local area network) is created in different countries then each subnet LAN was connected together via ATM cloud to make WAN (wide area network) In this project company network model was designed in opnet modeller to investigate the performance of a network looking at WAN technologies with varying traffic loads there are different type of link used to implement the traffic load the network was designed up to getting the final result LITERATURE REVIEW Computer network Computer network is more than one computers or group of computers and network devices are connected together for the purpose sharing information, file and data between each computer. Different type of devices need to design a computer network such as switches, hubs, routers, different link, firewall, server and work station Protocols are use to do sharing information, files, datas over the network there are two transmission technology available in computer network one is broadcast and another is point to point connection. Computer network classified according to network architecture (peer to peer model, client/server mode), network topology (star topology, ring topology, bus topology and mesh network topology).computer network it is classified as personal area network (PAN), local area network (LAN),metropolitan area network(MAN),wide area network(WAN),global area network(GAN) Computer network is very useful to the public because it has many applications such as access to remote information by using this application any one can do their work from anywhere in the world( ticket reservation ,shopping), communication between one to another through email, videoconferencing. Business application Different type of computer network Local area network (LAN) Local area network (LAN) is less number or group of computers and related devices such as printer, scanner etc that share a common communication line.lan is considered within a small geographical area such as a home, office building here LAN is designed by using Ethernet technology such as Ethernet cables, Ethernet switches and adapters. Local area network (LAN) performance features are depending on size of the network, network topologies and transmission technology. Advantage of LAN is cover small geographical area so transmission time is limited. Different type of topologies is support to create broadcast LAN network such as bus and ring based topologies. FIDD is used in the LAN for connect token ring. IEEE 802.11standad indicates the local area network technologies. [Andrew s] Metropolitan area network (MAN) Metropolitan area network (MAN) is developed version of LAN and this network also using same technologies as LAN, compare with LAN it cover large area (company offices and city).this network carrying voice signal and dates. MAN network contain few cables it dont have any switching elements, by using network technologies such as backbone technology, routers and switches it connect several LAN networks. DQDB (distributed queue dual bus) is MAN network standard by using this standard we can expand the network up to 30km and speeds of 34 to 155 Mbit/s Wide area network (WAN) Wide area network (WAN) comparatively covers wide geographical (country or continent) area and connecting number of local area network, local area network connected to a WAN through the public net work such as internet.WAN network can use is satellite system, WAN routers contain antenna by using antenna it can make data transmission. Switching device and transmission link are two separate mechanism of subnet in the WAN network. Different type of transmission link are available to carry the signals and data transmission from one system to another system over the WAN network such as twisted pair cable, coaxial cable and fiber optic cable. WAN is a collection of LAN, these LANs are connected via switching device router so each LAN must contain at least one router to interconnect. WAN network use backbone technology. Global area network (GAN) Global area network (GAN) is collection of different network such as WAN or MAN it covers the very large geographical area (unlimited area). Worldwide individual business companies use GAN network for their process. Network architecture model Client-server network model Client- server model is very useful and popular network model in the network architecture client and server devices are designed for the particular function in the computer network client server model mainly used in internet as well as local area network. Personal computers are client device in the network it is installed with required network software; database and files are stored in the server devices, server devices contain more memory, bigger disk drive than client devices The client server model client makes a request to server and server receives client request and response to their client request. Advantage of client-server model is centralised network model it means all users in the network are connected to a central server. Central server contains all user information and communication information. Configuration of data backup, security policies are easy in this model Peer to peer network model Peer to peer network is suitable for a small network in this model more than one computer or group of computers are connected through the network .peer nodes sharing their documents, audio, video file and datas in digital format a and also they sharing their resource without a dedicated server all connected peers act as either client or server. One system acts as server for one transaction while simultaneously act as client for another transaction in this model every client act as server and server act as client. It is complicated to apply security policies and access policies to the network because peer to peer network is a small contain few computers. Access permission and rights of users set individuality in peer to peer network. This model do not utilize centralized network model so it dont have any user information or communication information NETWORK TOPOLOGIES Different network topologies are available in computer networking they are star topology, bus topology, ring topology, tree topology and mesh topology these topologies help to design an excellent network. when design a network designer should have to choose which topology is suitable for the particular network Ring topology Ring topology is used to connect network devices in ring shape when these devices in ring shape each device has two neighbour devices for their message transaction this message transaction between neighbour only one direction. Ring topology use token passing system to their message transmission and access control. Main drawback of this method is any device fails in network ring that cause entire network transmission become failure this kind of network can manage and implement easily and it normally uses in office, school network different technologies are available to implement ring topology such as token ring and FDDI Star topology Most of the network use star topology because implementation and maintains of this network is easily this kind of networks use point to point connection between devices and central hub main advantage of star topology is any connection fail between device and hub that affect only particular device. This network devices use twisted pair Ethernet cable to connect with central device hub Bus topology Bus topology mainly used in LAN networks because these kinds of topology suitable for limited number of device bus topology use backbone to connect all devices together backbone function as connect different part of network and offering path to message transmission between network. Implementation of this topology is easy and inexpensive. It is possible to message transmission in both directions, to avoid message bouncing use termination at both end of the bus cable there is no need more cabling to connect devices. Main disadvantage of this topology is if backbone cable fails that affect whole network Tree topology Tree topology combines multiple several star topologies together into a bus by using point to point connection hub devices linked to the tree bus to develop network scalability bus/star topology in a hybrid approach. Implementation of this topology is very difficult, if backbone cable file whole network become failure advantage of this topology is each parts connected by point to point link and it supported by a number of hardware and software vendor. Network components Hardware and software components need to create a network there are different type of hardware components available in the network each of them configured for different function. Usually a network contains many components such as switch, router, server, firewall, hub, work stationest. Router Router is one of the important devices in the network it is used to connect more than one network together such as two WANs or two LANs and it allow data transmission between the networks. Routers having routing tables it contain information about network devices that uses to find the destination place of the network. Routers work at transport and network layer of the OSI reference model. Routers maintain traffic control in the network. Switch Switch is one of the hardware devices in the network it is used to connect network device such as server, workstation and printers together with in a local area network .switches work at the data link layer of the OSI reference model. Switches have a facility to check whether that the data received or not, delivering the messages to correct destination and also identifying that the particular data was transferred from which device (source) to other device (destination).`different type of Ethernet switches are available but in this network i have used Ethernet 16 port switches to connect network devices. Server In the client/server networking model a server receive requests from client in the same network or other network and response client request. There are different types of server with their related configuration. In this network i have used many servers such as database server, Email server, VoIP server, HTTP server, FTP server, file server, printer server and backup server. Firewall Main task of the firewall is preventing unprivileged user from accessing the network. There is different type of firewalls such as packet filter firewall, application gateway and proxy server each of them doing different job in the network .firewall implemented in some hardware devices. In this project i have used firewall router in a simulation. Open system interconnection (OSI) model OSI reference model is clearly defined how messages transmitted from source to destination in the networking. OSI reference model contain seven layers such as application layer, presentation layer, session layer, Trans port layer, network layer, data link layer and presentation layer. This model describes structure of a network for applying protocol on seven layers. Every layers doing different function. This model spited into tow part such as upper layers and lower layers. Upper layers associated with software and lower layers associated with hardware. Application layer Application layer is highest layer of OSI reference model. Main function of this layer is interface for users to relate with application and identifying end user, verify resource availability. By using application users can access information at application layer. Application layer providing some services such as file transfer, electronic mail and software services. Many Protocols are implemented in this layer such as file transfer protocol (FTP), hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP), simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) and telnet. Presentation layer Presentation layer is sixth layer of the OSI reference model this layer receives all messages from application and sends those messages to session layer. Main function of this layer is converting the format of receiving and sending data format and also many functions are undertaking by this layer such as data compression, encryption, decryption, protocol conversation and encodes message for email transaction. Presentation layer providing some services such as simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), telnet and file transfer protocol (FTP). At this layer data transmission starts with syntax and semantics format. Session layer Fifth layer of the OSI reference model is session layer it provides function to communicate between two nodes in the network this layer create, maintain and stop connection between the node and few protocols are implemented they are data link protocol (DLP), apple talk session protocol (ASP) and printer access control protocol (PAP) these protocols are mainly uses to multimedia messages. Transport layer Data link layer Data link layer is second layer of the OSI reference model the use of this layer is control and arranges all sending messages from software to network link. This layer makes some network setting such as data format setting, time setting and wire setting. it gives many services such as keep all messages are correct format when they transmit, maintain flow control when messages transmit over the link ,detecting error in physical layer and encoding messages for secure transaction. Physical layer Physical layer is lowest layer of the OSI reference model. This layer receives all messages from data link layer in the format of bits and converts into signal (electrical or electromagnetic signal).messages are sending to physical media via switches and wires TCP/IP model TCP/IP model contain four network layers such as application layer, transport layer, internet layer and network inter face layer. TCP/IP model and OSI reference models are providing similar services.TCP/IP model contain network communication protocol used to for different type data transmission between different networks. Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), used to Email transaction, file transfer protocol (FTP) used to file transaction etc. This model defines how particular protocols are implemented in a computer for data transmission over the network. End to end connectivity of the TCP/IP model define how datas received, routed and formatted at end nodes. TCP/IP application layer Application layer is higher level protocol of TCP/IP model this layer match to OSI reference model of session layer, application layer and presentation layer. This layer gives different services to user such as file transfer, email ect. Application layer contain many protocol such as simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), file transfer protocol (FTP) and telnet. All datas are coded in this layer then these datas encapsulated into transport layer. Lower level layers of TCP/IP model treat by application layer. Transport layer Transport layer is third layer of TCP/IP model. This layer providing services these services are managed by the user datagram protocol (UDP) and transmission control protocol (TCP). TCP is connection oriented and reliable transmission protocol. Connection oriented it means source (sender) set up connection with destination (receiver) node before the sending data. Error detection, error correction retransmission of datas is possible in TCP. UDP is connection less and unreliable transmission. Error detection, error correction retransmission of datas is impossible in UDP it is suitable for audio and video transmission. Internet layer Internet layer is second layer of TCP/IP model this model used to transfer the message from source computer to destination computer. Internet protocol (IP) is main protocol of this layer. This protocol providing many services such as routing packets between source and destination. Internet protocols receive messages from network interface layer in the format of bit then make it into packets. Network interface layer is lowest layer of the TCP/IP model main function of this layer is by using protocol it create a connection to physical medium, error detection and packet framing are possible in this layer. This layer contain local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) technologies such as token ring,X.25,ehhernet and frame relay. This layer responsible for physical devices such as wire, cables, network interface card and satellite links. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) contains three layers such as ATM adaption layer, ATM layer and physical layer. This model providing different type of function it used to transfer all type datas such as audio, video and text messages. Same time we can use ATM technology in different network (LAN. MAN and WAN). ATM model contain management, hyphenated and handshaking protocol, quality of services and flow control facilities. Hyphenated protocol is connection oriented; cell switched and point to point.ATM use different type of technologies to data transmission. Fixed -length cells model used to transfer variable frames this model use 48 bytes for data, 5bytes for overhead. ATM adaption layer ATM adaption layer is third layer of this model this model composed application layer, transport layer and session layer of OSI reference mode. There are two different types of layers in ATM adaption layer such as convergence sub layer and segmentation and reassembly sub layer. It is classified into five types of class for providing different type of services. According to this class of services Convergence sub layer receive messages from high level layer, identify the received message format, type finally arrange all messages for sending out. ATM layer ATM layer is second layer of this model this layer providing link between ATM adaption layer and physical layer to transmit cells between those two layers and also create virtual link, doing multiplex and de-multiplex of cells, creating cell header. ATM physical layer ATM physical layer is first layer of this model the main function of this layer is encapsulate all incoming cells in a proper format before transmit bit to the physical medium. Physical layer divided into two sub layers such as transmission convergence sub layer and physical medium dependent sub layer these sub layers are doing different function such as transmission convergence sub layer doing error correction, framing and de-framing of cells and physical medium dependent sub layer assign bit time and coding for the physical medium. Protocols Protocol is a set of rules it is used to transfer the message between one ends to another end. OSI reference model is clearly defined how messages transmitted from source to destination in the networking. This reference model contain seven layers each layers must contain one or more protocol for their message transmission. Internet protocol (IP) Main function of internet protocol (IP) is transmits message between one end to another end. When sends the messages via this protocol message divided into many parts each part contain IP address if end system and this small segment send different ways receiver receive this segment in different order. This protocol implemented in network layer of OSI reference model and internet layer of TCP/IP model so internet protocol (IP) support data transmission to upper level layers in OSI and TCP/IP reference model. This protocol is connection less protocol and we cant make sure about delivery of message. Now days two different version of internet protocols (IP) are available in the networking such as internet protocol version4 (IPV4) and internet protocol version6 (IPV6). Transmission control protocol (TCP) Transmission control protocol (TCP) applied in transport layer of OSI reference model and host to host transport layer of TCP/IP model for message transmission. This protocol is a connection oriented and reliable transmission protocol. Connection oriented it means source (sender) set up connection with destination (receiver) node before the sending data. Error detection, error correction retransmission of datas is possible in TCP. Message transmission via this protocol is very slow because of overhead (20bytes) for error correction/detection and acknowledgement. There are two types of buffers such as sending and receiving buffers these buffers are used to storage, flow control, error detection and correction. Same time messages can be transfer both direction in TCP it provides full duplex transaction and also multiplexing and de-multiplexing are possible in TCP. [Behrouz A.] User datagram protocol (UDP) User datagram protocol (UDP) installed in transport layer of OSI reference model and host to host transport layer of TCP/IP model for message transmission between the layers. This protocol is a connection less and unreliable transmission protocol. Message transmission via UDP is very fast because there is small header (8bytes).this protocol containing many drawbacks such as no error control and no flow control. Receiver cant identify whether this message is original or duplicate when message transfer via UDP. Encapulation and decapitation of messages are possible in UDP when messages transfer from source to destination. [Behrouz A.] Hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP) Main function of hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP) is access data from internet (www).this protocol is applied in application layer of OSI and TCP/IP reference model. It is describe the message transmission over the network from client to server and data format. This protocol use TCP for data transmission between client and server in this model the client first send request to server then server send response message to client. There is no secure message transmission because HTTP does not provide security HTTP provide security when it run over the secure socket layer This protocol messages can only understand by HTTP client and server. [Behrouz A.] File transfer protocol (FTP) File transfer protocol (FTP) is applied in application layer in TCP/IP model. Main function of this protocol is transferring datas from source to destination (client to server or server to client) in easy way.FTP protocol create two link between source and destination one is for message transmission other link for replay.FTP use three commands such as RETR command function of this command is copying files, STOR command function of this command is store the files and LIST command this is for list the files.FTP use different transmission mode to transfer the files such as compressed mode, stream mode and block mode .through the FTP protocol we can send text files, images and ASCII files.FTP use two different TCP port, port 20 is used transfer datas or files between client and server and port 21 is used to control transmission between them. [Behrouz A.] Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) is installed in application layer in TCP/IP reference model. Function of this protocol is transferring the email messages between client and server and also it contains some commands these commands are used to transfer the datas between client and server. Some other protocols are support to email transmission with SMTP such as post office protocol (POP3) and internet mail access protocol (IMAP4) [Behrouz A.] Simple network management protocol (SNMP) Simple network management protocol (SNMP) is applied in application layer of TCP/IP reference model this type of protocol is used to manage the network for providing better network performance by regular testing system, protect the network from unwanted user by monitoring system. SNMP protocol defines the transaction between the manager and agent. SNMP manager verify the agent details by sending requesting message to agent. SNMP identify the packets exchange between manager and agent [Behrouz A.] Network transmission media A transmission media is necessary to transfer a signal form source to destination in the networking system. Signals are transfer via Guided and unguided transmission media now a days different type of guided transmission media support to carry the signal such as twisted pair cable, coaxial cable and fiber optic cable. Unguided transmission media it is radio wave, micro wave and infrared Twisted pair cable Twisted pair cable is one of the guided transmission media to carry the signal over the network. Analogy and digital signal can be carried by this cable. This cable contains two shield copper wire then these wires are sick together. This type of cables used in telecommunication system. Twisted pair cable not suitable for long expanse, repeaters is needed to use long distance, for small area it will work without amplification. Compare to other cables this type of cable is inexpensive. Two types of twisted pair cables are available one is unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP) another one is shield twisted pair cable (STP). [Andrew s] Coaxial cable Compare to twisted pair cable it is better shield cable it is suitable for carry the signal to long distance. This kind of cables used to carry the high frequency signals and broad band signals as well as this cable carries analogy and digital signal but using different cable. Coaxial cables providing functions in several ways one is baseband it use total bandwidth to carry the signals, another one is broad band it divide the bandwidth with signals. Centre core it is made by hard copper wire, this core is bounded by inner dielectric insulator, copper screen and plastic sheath. [Andrew s], [Michael] Fiber optics cable Fiber optic cables transfer the signal in the form of light beam. This type of cable is used to connect different cities and countries such as telephone connection because these cables are suitable for long distance. Two different types of fibre optic cables are available such as single mode fibber optic cable and multimode fiber optic cable and this cables contain two part such as inner class cylindrical core and outer class cladding Compare with other cables it has many advantage such as it can be used to long distance, signal transmission is very fast and loss of signal is very low. Disadvantage of this cable it is very expensive. [Michael] Quality of services Quality of services (QOS) contains many network technologies to develop a network. Quality of services gives expected result to the network and quality of services develop and determine data transfer, delay, and error rate and loss of cell in the network. It is very use full apply the quality of services to VOIP and video but implementation of quality if services to network is very difficult. Quality of service measure Type of Delay Different type of delay are occur in the network during the data transmission from one system to another system they are processing delay, queuing delay, transmission delay and propagation delay. Processing delay A data(1 bit) transmission time between the end systems (source to destination) it is called processing delay this delay may occur for the following reaction such as error datas transmitting from one system to router, network architecture, switching mode and also it include in configuration of network devices Propagation delay A data (1 bit) of transmission between the source and destination it is called propagation delay. This delay depends on distance between routers and propagation speed; it depends on the transmission media propagation delay calculated by dividing the distance by propagation speed Propagation delay= [Behrouz A] Queuing delay Datas or packets waiting in queue at intermediate device (router) for their transaction, when the network is busy router cant rout all the packet at same time it process these packet one by one so packets need to wait this waiting time is called queuing delay. Transmission delay Transmission delay is amount of time is needed to transfer one bit of data via transmission media. Transmission delay depends on bandwidth and size of the data. Transmission time= [Behrouz A] Jitter Voice over internet protocol (VOIP) Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is used to communication purpose it means one person can transfer his information to another person through telephone call, voice and fax over the IP based network. To reduce the bandwidth waste VOIP use packet- switching method to telephone calls. Normally more bandwidth is needed to voice transmission but voice data is compressed to small for the transaction so it require small bandwidth. Main advantage of VOIP is reducing the cost of long distance calls, when compare with ordinary phone call for this reason every organization applying VOIP in their networks. IP telephone is used in the VOIP network because IP telephone designed with coder/decoder for convert the voice signal from analogy to digital signal and digital to analogy signal. Softwares and hardware components are helps to connect the phone with network. Different protocols are implemented in the VOIP network for support voice transaction such as RTP(real time transport protocol) it support the delay of audio, H.323 protocol used to multimedia transmission, H.235 protocol used to data encryption. ) [Michael] List of books 1) [Michael] MICHAEL A, WILLIAM M Networking explained, second edition ISBN 1-55558-252-4 2) [Behrouz A.] Behrouz A. Frozen, TCP/IP protocol Suite Fourth Edition ISBN 978-0-07-016678-3 3) [Andrew s] Andrew S.Tanenbaum, computer networks fourth edition ISBN 0-13-038488-7 4) [James F] James F.Kurose, Keith W.ROSE Computer networking, fourth edition, a top down approach ISBN -13:978-0-321-51325-0 ISBN -10:0-321-51325-8 5) [Behrouz A] Behrouz A.Forouzan, data communication and networking, fourth edition ISBN 007-125442-0 List of Internet and

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Humorous Wedding Speech by a Fellow Engineering Student :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Humorous Wedding Speech by a Fellow Engineering Student Ladies and Gentlemen – hello! I would like to start by thanking Eric, on behalf of the bridesmaids, for his kind words. I am sure you will all agree that they look absolutely gorgeous and have carried out their duties magnificently. I’m not sure how much tequila it took, but the bride arrived one time and seemingly cured of all her wedding day nerves. Also, we shouldn’t forget James, the pageboy, who has also done a sterling job today. You may have noticed that he was entrusted with the rings and not me, the supposed best man. Eric, I know we were students together – and back in those days I would have certainly been tempted to pawn them both for some extra beer money – but please, the drinks today are already on you. For those who don't know, I met Eric at Swansea University, where we both spent three years not reading for a degree in Engineering. That said, we did conduct some excellent practical research on tika masala viscosity, chapatti-nan absorbency co-efficients, and the fluid dynamics of snakebite and black. Actually, we met in the first term in our Hall launderette. He came over and asked me if I knew how to operate the machines. It was about the 8th week of term – and the clean clothes he’d arrived from home with 2 months earlier were in desperate need of liquid refreshment. There’s only so much that deodorant can do for a pair of boxer shorts. Anyway, we got chatting and I was immediately impressed by Eric's friendliness, his willingness to talk lucidly on just about any subject, his quick mind, and how those same boxer shorts managed to make their own way to the washing machine. But more about those scholarly days shortly. As I did only meet Eric a few years ago, I’ve had to rely on his own account of earlier years. Apparently, the young Eric Wilson was an exceptionally gifted child. He sat his GCSE’s whilst his contemporaries were doing the 11-plus and then concentrated on his first novel, which he published at the age of 15. When it came to A-levels, his English teacher was left in tears when he opted for the Sciences. He then reluctantly turned down offers from Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard, in order to study at that other great beacon of learning – Swansea.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Jane Austen’s Novels Plot-Construction

In contrast to the simplicity of her style, Jane Austen's plots are unexpectedly complex. She is not content to simply draw two or three characters in isolation. She prefers a family, with their many friends and acquaintances and she tries within her limited range to make things as difficult as possible. SETTINGS OF HER NOVELS Jane Austen's field of study is man. She is, therefore, more preoccupied with human nature than nature in the nineteenth century usage of the word. The background and the scenery of the provincial town is rich in its beauty and grandeur. But there is no attempt to look into the spirit of this country. Thus although, she has some sense of locality yet she does not paint an English community like the other writers of her time. She rather avoids those very elements of the population in which the local flavour, the breath of the soil is most pronounced. She is further incapable of evoking a scene or a landscape and cannot conjure up the spirit of Bath as Emile Bronte could conjure up the spirit of the Moorlands or Hardy that of Wessex. All this, one may say, would be fatal to her dramatic quality of construction. In all her novels, we see only a limited range of human society. Most of her characters are the kind of people she knew intimately, the landed gentry, the upper class, the lower edge of the nobility, the lower clergy, the officer corps of the military. Her novels exclude the lower classes-both the industrial masses of the big cities and the agricultural labourers in the countryside. Three or four families in the country village is the very thing to work on. She does not show any of the great agonies or darker side of human experience. There is no hunger, poverty, misery or terrible vices and very little of the spiritual sphere of experience. Nor do we see any political dimension or even discussions regarding major political happenings in any of her novels. Nature too, is rarely described and her characters are usually presented indoors with an occasional expedition or picnic thrown in. According to Andrew H. Wright, the novels of Jane Austen can be considered on three levels of meaning: first, the purely local-illustrative of country life among the upper middle-classes at the end of eighteenth century in Southern England. Second, they can be taken as broad allegories in which Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice and a number of other virtues and defects are set forth in narrative form and commented on in this way. Third is the ironic level whereby the incidents, situations and characters in a novel imply something more than what they seem. PLOT-CONSTRUCTION IN SENSE AND SENSIBILITY It is one of Austen's simplest novels. The story deals with two sisters Elinor -the heroine represents a woman of sense, while Marianne, her foolish foil represents a woman of sensibility. The first volume of the book has a symmetrical pattern and a clear parallel is drawn between the two romances-Edward Ferrars and Elinor, John Willoughby and Marianne. True to Elinor's cool, sensible nature the relationship between Edward Farrar's is conducted on the level of the mind, with both displaying hardly an emotion. The theme of sense is thus exemplified through their relationship. On the other hand Willoughby who enters Marianne's life as a true romantic hero having carried her home when she sprained her ankle, exemplifies the theme of sensibility in his relationship with Marianne. While the moral seems to illustrate the superiority of sense over sensibility there is an ironic twist in the plot whereby Elinor and Marianne virtually interchange their positions PLOT-CONSTRUCTION IN EMMA The plot of Emma can be said to have an ‘inward' and an ‘outward' movement. The inward deal with Emma's self-deception- with what she thinks is happening while the outward deals with what actually is happening and this brings to light her mistakes. It is through a series of humiliations and self reproach that Emma finally awakens to self-knowledge. The reader's enjoyment stems from an awareness that Emma is wrong. From chapter 1 to 15, Emma thinks that Mr. Elton is in love with Harriet only to discover to her horror that Elton loves her. From chapter 18 to 30, Emma thinks herself to be in love with Frank and Jane Fairfax to be associated with Mr. Dixon. From chapter 31 to 46, Emma is convinced that Harriet and Frank Churchill are interested in one another. Towards the end of the novel, from chapter 46, Emma's theories about Frank and Harriet are about Jane Faifax and Dixon are destroyed and she has to face the possibility of Mr. Knightley being in love with Harriet. It is only after Knightley's proposals in the shrubbery that â€Å"what is happening† and â€Å"what Emma thinks is happening† converge and Emma's progress from self-delusion to knowledge is complete. By analyzing the plots of ‘Sense and Sensibility', ‘Emma' and ‘Pride and Prejudice', we observe that Austen's theme-her subject matter revolves round courtship and marriage in each of her novels. By the time we have reached the end of any of her novels, not only the hero and heroine but most of the other people in the story have succeeded in pairing off in marriage. And it is from the courtship of the hero and heroine that the story derives much of their tension. PLOT-CONSTRUCTION IN PRIDE AND PREJUDICE The main plot of Pride and Prejudice presents the story of the misunderstanding, estrangement and union in the lives of two people-Elizabeth and Darcy. The novel begins with the flutter and eager expectation in the Bennet family at the arrival of the young â€Å"single man of large fortune†, Mr. Charles Bingley. The sub-plot of the Jane-Bingley relationship attracts greater interest for some time. They meet at a ball, are attracted towards each other and their intimacy grows through dinner-parties, balls, etc. All this while, however, the events of the main plot also gather interest. Darcy and Elizabeth are present at the same ball. Darcy is looked at with great admiration for about half the evening and is soon ‘discovered to be proud', and when Bingley persuades him to dance with Elizabeth, he says that she is ‘tolerable' but not handsome enough to tempt him. Elizabeth developed ‘no very cordial feelings towards him'. This prejudice forms in the very first m eeting and is intensified by various other factors. Miss Caroline Bingley's designs on Darcy and her efforts to reprobate Elizabeth during her stay at Netherfield are so persistent that inspite of his being attracted by Elizabeth's pair of fine eyes, he realizes that it is dangerous to pay too much attention to Elizabeth and observes a studied reticence. Mrs. Bennet's silly remarks, Mary's all too quick consent to sing at a party, Mr. Collin's sycophancy, Mr. Bennet's want of propriety and Lydia's shallowness—infact everything that the Bennet family did is enough to alienate anybody and Darcy's poor opinion of the whole set urges him to avoid closer connections with Elizabeth. When Elizabeth meets Wickham, his winning manners grow on her good-will, and the altogether false reports of his victimization by Darcy intensify her prejudice far too much. Later, when she naturally suspects that Darcy plays a prominent part in ruining the prospects of her sister's marriage with Bingley, she feels an almost irrevocably strong prejudice a gainst him. From chapter 3 to 33, the prejudice grows in better strength and so when Darcy proposes to her, she bluntly rejects him. In reply to his enquiry about why she refused, she lays the charges at his door without any apology. The first stage in the history of their relationship is convincingly developed. Chapters 35 and 36 mark the climax in this development. Darcy's letter to her marks the beginning of the second stage. Every event occurring subsequent to this helps to reverse Elizabeth's conception of him, undo all the knots of prejudice and reveal the sterling qualities that he possesses. Even at the end of the first stage, his repulsive pride completely dominates all his thought and action, but the citadel staggers at the first rude shock Elizabeth gives him. ‘She showed him how insufficient were all his pretentions to please a woman worthy of being pleased', and even though he was angry at first, he soon realized that the lesson she taught was ‘hard indeed at first but most advantageous'. When they met most unexpectedly at Pemberley, he ‘showed her by every civility in his power that he hoped to obtain her forgiveness and lessen her ill opinion, ‘Darcy's excessive pride is dec reased and Elizabeth becomes proportionately less prejudiced. Many events in the second stage quicken this cleansing process. Even in the offending remarks about her family there is an admission that Elizabeth could inspire in Darcy a strong feeling of love capable of overcoming his strong scruple of family pride; and her vanity is touched. Darcy's narration in the letter makes it clear to her that if he found Jane's behavior ‘without any symptom of peculiar regard for Bingley', it was a pardonable, even justifiable, error of judgment and the motives were certainly unchallengeable. The baselessness of her violent charge of ruining Wickham's career becomes all clear to her. Colonel Fitzwilliam's report about him is also creditable to Darcy. All these events make her conscious that she had acted despicably and that her certainty about her discernment was most unjustifiable. Her visit to Pemberley brings another surprise. His housekeeper, Mrs. Reynold's, is genuinely proud of Darcy, who is ‘the best landlord and the best master', ‘affable to the poor', ‘an entirely good brother': and she is sure to know better. Darcy's unexpected meeting at Pemberley is still more effective: he impresses her aunt and uncle by his excellent manners, and Elizabeth has to admit that her prejudice was ill founded. Finally, Darcy's most invaluable help in the eprisode of Lydia's elopement with Wickham sweeps off all her objections. And so when Darcy's second, and most polite proposal is made, her attitude has changed as much as his. The first minor eprisode is the Jane-Bingley relationship. It can be treated as an independent event, but Jane Austen has woven it well with the main theme. Jane and Elizabeth are sisters who share each other's secrets, hopes and fears and it is the simplest connection. But on the strength of Darcy's regard, Bingley has the firmest reliance, and of his judgment the highest opinion, and so when Darcy suspected that Jane did not love Bingley as fervently as Bingley loved her, and found that her family had all vulgar manners and shallow tastes, he ‘readily engaged in the office of pointing out to him the certain evils of such a choice'. This was one of the very important reasons of Elizabeth's strong prejudice, and thus it is connected with the main theme. The Wickham-Lydia eprisode and the Collins-Charolette relationship is equally well connected with it. While Elizabeth has developed a prejudice against Darcy, she is strongly attracted towards Wickham— and it is very long before she knows what his real character is. One of the two strong charges she levels against Darcy is the ruining of Wickham's prospects. Darcy reveals the truth to her later, but because of her silence on this point, she cannot stop her sister's elopement and the slander on her family. It is this catastrophe, however, that brings Darcy closest to her because it is his love for her that he finds out the fugitives and makes a successful effort to bring about a marriage between Lydia and Wickham, neglecting the thought of the loss to him. Mr. Collins proposes to her, and later marries her best friend Charolette. All the threads are thus connected. Wickham and Charolette also serve as a comment on Elizabeth and Darcy. â€Å"The Darcy-Elizabeth couple is flanked on one side by the unexceptionable Bingley and Jane, it is flanked on the other by Charolette and Wickham†. The last two have the cleverness of the two main characters, but they are time-servers. The structure is therefore, most cleverly unifying. The precision, simplicity and symmetry of ‘Pride and Prejudice' evoke instinctive appreciation. So well it is constructed that the action proceeds logically from exposition, complication and climax to the denouncement and finally the resolution. The sub-plots are also thematically unified. The theme of love and marriage is exemplified through the plot and the sub-plots. Jane Austen uses the dramatic narrative mode and irony so effectively to build her complex plot that it would not be amiss to say that she â€Å"is the most perfect dramatist who never wrote a play†. Furthermore, all Jane Austen plots are characterized by a unity of tone and are compact and well- knit. There are no loose ands anywhere, no event conceived outside the actual plot and nothing usually hampers the progress of the story. JANE AUSTEN'S COMEDY OF MANNERS  IN PRIDE AND PREJUDICE â€Å"The wisest and the best of men-nay, the wisest and best of their actions – may he rendered ridiculous by a person whose first object in life is a joke. â€Å"Certainly†, he replied Elizabeth-â€Å"there are such people, but I hope I am not one of them. I hope I never ridicule that is wiser or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can.† This brief dialogue between Darcy and Elizabeth throws distinct light upon Jane Austen's purpose and programme in her novels. For once it be supposed that Miss Bennet's point of view is but a projection of her creator's. Her intention in these novels is to present a comedy of manners – to present the follies and vices of men and to expose them to general ridicule by employing the devices of comedy, parody, burlesque, irony, wit, satire, each one of them as is suitable for the occasion and need. THE UNITY OF TONE Hence, her plots are characterized by a singular unity of tone and she often achieves it by focusing our attention at it from more than one angle. In Pride and Prejudice alone the unity of plot has been achieved from as many as three angles. We can view the novel first, as Elizabeth Bennet sees everything; secondly, by assigning to Elizabeth and Darcy a prominent place into the novel and by centering the higher and nobler comedy around these two figures; and thirdly by making the whole story a study in Pride— pride of place and responsibility in some, pride in the form of social snobbery in others and also either a perverted pride or the lack of pride in the rest. However, the unity is therefore very essential in imparting coherence and shape to her design. Thus, the structure of Jane Austen's novel is perfect and is ideally suited for the material she wanted to embody and the outlook she wished to present.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Historical Context of A Tale of Two Cities - 2575 Words

A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, is a story set in the year 1775 and through the turbulent time of the French Revolution. It is of people living in love and betrayal, murder and joy, peril and safety, hate and fondness, misery and happiness, gentle actions and ferocious crowds. The novel surrounds a drunken man, Sydney Carton, who performs a heroic deed for his beloved, Lucie Manette, while Monsieur and Madame Defarge, ruthless revolutionaries, seek revenge against the nobles of France. Research suggests that through Dickens’ portrayal of the revolutionaries and nobles of the war, he gives accurate insight to the era of the Revolution. Charles Dickens is a talented author who wrote many notable novels, including A Tale of†¦show more content†¦Out of fear that Doctor Manette would report their crimes, they assured he would be imprisoned. As punishment for Darnay’s relatives’ wrongdoings he was sentenced to execution. In the end, the heroic S ydney Carton, who still had deep feelings for Lucie Manette, secretly stepped in for her husband, because of their astonishing similarities, and ultimately died for her sake. France’s relationship between the poor and the rich was gradually plummeting, leading to Revolution. Marshall B. Davidson reasons that France was bankrupt with â€Å"stupendous cost of those military ventures piled in the expenses of building and maintaining Versailles, and the king’s other palaces† (99). Conditions worsened because the expenses â€Å"were imposed largely on the poorer elements of the population, who were further afflicted†¦when famine ravaged the land† (Davidson 99-100). In The Coming of the French Revolution, Lefebrve asserts that the poor made up â€Å"at least three quarters of the population† making their financial issues severe (131). William Doyle adds the greedy aristocrats â€Å"clung to their exemption and privileges and used their politica l power to prevent the king from making necessary reforms† to save the country from their financial plight (8). France’s monarchy was weak and unorganized making its power over the French people, including the aristocrats, ineffective (Doyle 52). Additionally, a new socialShow MoreRelated Archaeology and the Trojan War Essay1705 Words   |  7 Pageslayers of ruins †¦ and two bore unmistakable signs of violent destruction. One of these layers, the seventh according to more recent excavators, was no doubt the city of Priam and Hector. The historicity of the Homeric tale had been demonstrated archaeologically.† - M.I. Finley, the World of Odysseus Introduction The Trojan War and its characters are detailed in the writings of Homer, Vergil, Dante and many others. 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